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LGBTQI Library.

María Belén Correa - 

Founded on June 10, 2022

María Belén Correa (Olivera, June 25, 1973) is a renowned Argentine transvestite activist for the rights of sexual minorities, LGTBI people, and in particular trans people.


On June 25, 1993, she founded, together with Claudia Pía Baudracco and other activists, the Association of Transvestites of Argentina, of which she was president between 1995 and 2001, and which would later be called Argentine Transgender Transsexual Association (A.T.T.T.A).


During her exile in New York she founded, together with Paty Betancourt, the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Trans People (Redlactrans) in 2004, and that same year she collaborated in the creation of the Fundación Santamaria LGTB de Colombia, of which she is her godmother.

In 2005 he created the TransEmpowerment NY project, dependent on the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, a day center for LGTBI people who use drugs in southern Manhattan, and in 2006, the group Mateando LGTB NY, made up of LGTBI people from Argentina and Uruguay , within the framework of the Latin Commission on AIDS and the SOMOS program.


Keeping in mind in her memory of a large number of transsexual companions murdered, or died from complications related to HIV-AIDS, the application of liquid silicones, the lack of access to health and the abandonment of the State, in 2012 she created the Archive of the Trans Memory of Argentina, with the intention of recovering and preserving the historical memory of the transsexual collective of their country.7


In 2019 she founded Cosmopolitrans, a group working to help trans migrants in Germany, which is subsidized by the Open Society Foundation, and has played and is playing an essential role during the COVID pandemic.


She currently continues to work with Cosmopolitrans, and in the Trans Memory Archive, which has published her first book in December 2020. In May 2021, a documentary series with testimonies from several trans women began to be broadcast on Canal Encuentro. Argentines, illustrated with photographic and video material from the same archive, and whose first episode stars Belén.


In addition to continuing to train as an archivist, she continues to work on her memoir.

Soon we will upload the list of books available in the library.

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