Our Impact
As an empowered community of TransGNB people in New York invested in promoting and defending our human rights, we are proud of the work we do.
We are a diverse community of TransGNB people fighting for the rights of different ethnicities and races, immigrants, impoverished and unemployed people, sex workers, people living with HIV, survivors of violence, and the forgotten. Together we fight against the repressive systems that make us invisible, marginalize us and do not recognize our fundamental rights over our own lives, our bodies, and our identities.
Together we have built a multicultural movement where we are all an essential part of the struggle and celebration for a dignified life. In order to realize our dream, we promotetrans-specific, trans-inclusive and
trans-directed projects.
We don't want them to speak for us! We speak with our own voices!

"The revolution will be TransGNCNB or it won't be."

